November 12, 2010

5 Question Friday: Nov. 12

It's time to break up the monotony of the thankfulness posts (though I am thoroughly enjoying them) to participate in a Five Question Friday!

1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
I've been through two kidney stones. One when I was 19 and the other right before my 22nd birthday. That topped unmedicated, induced labor. I would go through labor 100 times before wanting to endure another one of those.

Second to that: In December of last year I had surgery to fix my Dequervain's Tendinitis. Having had a c-section with Angelica, I figured wrist surgery would be no big deal. LIES. That thing hurt WAY worse than my c-section, and it was annoying as hell to have my arm in a cast. Especially with an 18 month old baby, and also especially on Christmas, which was two days after the surgery. The scar is very, very light now...most of the time I even forget it's there. Let me tell you though, to this day Angelica remembers I had surgery. Even this morning, she told me to "roll up my sleeves" and then she rolled hers up and pointed on her wrist where I have the scar on mine and said, "Mommy, this where your boo-boo is!"

2. How much sleep do you get at night?
If you had asked me this question about six months ago, the answer would be "4 hours". I now get about seven.

3. How long did you believe in Santa Claus? How did you find out that he does not exist?
When I was about 8, my mom told me that there was no Santa. The rule in my house, though, is that you have to believe in Santa to get presents. :)

4. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
Back in July I was on vacation and went to see Eclipse by myself.

5. What do you wear to bed?
Sweatpants and a t-shirt. Usually ones that I have retired from my workout clothes.

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