November 11, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - November 11

Today, it's only appropriate to give thanks to our veterans. Thank you for your service to our country. Thanks for keeping us safe. Thanks for everything you do. You are our heroes.

And those of you who know me well know that there is one very special veteran in my life. My sister, Stefanie, was only 19 when she was sent off to Iraq at the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom back in 2003. Every day I thank my lucky stars that she made it home safe and has since given me the cutest niece and nephew ever, and married the awesome/sarcastic SOB who is my brother in law. I am so lucky to have her as both my best friend and my sister. So, a special thanks to you, kid. You make me proud.

1 comment:

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Oh I wish I would have started with this what a great string of post for November and I'm with you 110% with the Thanks today!