She also gave us the "Angelica quote of the day" in the car after the farmer's market. She asked Scott a question and he was busy so I answered...and she replied, "Mommy! Is your name DADDY? I don't think so. I was talking to DADDY!"
(Make sure you check out some of my previous posts for more funny quips by my little smart alack.)
Anyway, to the point of the story...we decided to drop off the veggies at home and run over to a local Borders store that's going out of business. I had a few books I wanted to pick up, and I figured it would also be a great chance to pick up some new reading material for Angelica since she now has pretty much all of her books committed to memory. Apparently every other person in Central Florida had the same exact idea because it took -- no joke -- an HOUR to get through the check out. (And in hindsight I probably could have saved more at Amazon.)
While we were waiting in line, Angelica decided to embarrass me in two ways that she hasn't before. First, she yanked up her dress, pulled down her shorts and started to scratch herself in front of everybody...and yelled "HEY MOM! Look at ME!" And of course when I went to quietly pull up her shorts tell her to please save that for when she's alone, she decided to scream and make a big fuss to call further attention to herself.
Second of all, as we're finally second in line at the checkout, she is majorly acting out because she is B-O-R-E-D, and I am struggling in vain to get her to cut it out and behave...and so she begins whacking me in the face with her lovey. Lovely. I tell her to please stop because it's not nice to hit, and she might hit somebody else. (At home I have a zero-tolerance policy on hitting and she knows this and she has been getting better...but hitting is a big problem behavior for her that we're still working on really hard.)
The guy behind us in line replies, "Yeah, seriously, she's already hit me twice." And not in a joking, somewhat sympathetic way -- he said it in an "I'm really annoyed at your kid and think you're a crappy parent" kind of way. And I can't say I blame him because I'm sure I looked utterly incompetent.
I was so embarrassed I wanted to cry. I apologized for her behavior and he didn't even acknowledge my apology which just made it worse because then I really did get choked up. Fortunately we were called to the register right then and I was able to make my escape -- red faced, teary-eyed and all.
This is one of those days that Angelica's lucky she's so darn cute...
I'm your newest follower from Say Hi Sunday! Hope you'll stop by and say hi! Sounds like a rough day, but tomorrow is a new one!!
Have a great week!
Frugal Invitation
I'm sorry that guy in line was so rude! Your daughter sounds adorable, even when she's had one of those days (which we all have!).
I'm a new follower on twitter from the Twitter Hop. :)
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