February 24, 2011

The passage of time...

Let me preface this by saying that yes, I am a huge emotional sap of a person and things like time and the past have a warm place in my heart, good or bad.

As I write this, I'm on my Blackberry, walking and cooling off from a satisfying run. But I do my best thinking in these quiet moments and I wanted to blog what I've been thinking about tonight.

For all you new moms or first time moms to be, heed this but know you will not truly understand this until your "baby" is almost three and a co-worker you haven't seen in a long time mentions that she remembers when you went on maternity leave, and it hits you that it was so long ago but feels like yesterday: moments with your baby will pass faster than you can ever imagine.

Tonight I packed up most of the winter clothes in Angelica's dresser and unpacked her spring wardrobe. The 18 months outfits that fit her just six months ago were way too small now, and she now fills out quite nicely her 2T and even a handful of smaller 3T outfits. In the bottom of that box was a 3 month onesie that had somehow gotten placed in there and the day I packed away her first set of baby clothes came rushing back. I think I even blogged about that, probably around August or September 2008 (can't go back and look on my phone, maybe I'll add the link later).

I have baby fever like crazy, even though the time is not yet right for us to have baby number two, and when I see how Angelica has truly become a little GIRL I crave the cuddles of a newborn. My big girl already wants her freedom and independence and I respect that.

You see, she was a very high needs baby. I could not put her down or she would scream like a banshee. That lasted until she was about 3 months old. It drove me crazy because I just needed a break...but in hindsight I feel like I should have cherished that more. Then she didn't sleep through the night until she was almost a year old...and now I miss our late night/early morning snuggles.

It's true. Those phases pass so fast. And it's bittersweet to think that the terrible twos (and trecherous threes!) are sure to just be memories soon.

But I'm going to hold on to these moments as best as I can, as I always have. I will try to remember as much as I can. She is amazing.


Lisa Noel said...

My baby turn 3 just a month ago and it is so bitter sweet. He is such an amazing little person but I so miss him as a snuggly lil newborn.

The Teachers Wife said...

Good morning! Coming from "Blogging Friends"...I just realized I didn't have you on my follow list- so now I'm officially following! :)
Crystal from www.survivingateacherssalary.com

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Hey Hoppin on over on this Sunday morning from Az. and the Shibley Smiles Sunday Blog Hop, and look forward to hopping into you again sometime soon.

Have a Hoppy Sunday and see you next week!

Meet me on Sunday

Blog Hop Round Up!

Tiffany said...

Coming over from The Florida Hogans. I'm also a Central Floridian! I'm on a mission to find other bloggers in my area because I think it would be neat to 'meet'!

I've also had baby fever, my youngest is only 1.5 and oldest is 4.5. We aren't ready though and we both agree, but it's alright to want I think! I love spending time with the 2 I have and am not ready to go through the clingyness a newborn baby brings! Not yet anyways!

Dee said...

I was just putting up some "too small" clothes and wanted to cry. It all goes by too fast and I try to cherish every second!

Liz Mays said...

It absolutely passes at the speed of light. You're right to hold on tightly while you can. :)

LeeAnn said...

Awwww. What a sweet post. You go ahead and snuggle with newborns all you want...I'll take the 3 year olds. I love watching my kids grow up, and it just gets more and more fun! I don't mean to wish their lives away, but honestly, I can't wait until Bryce is 2. I'm so glad to not be going through baby stuff ever again! LOL