Let me step back and give a little background. From day one, Angelica was always a Daddy's girl. When she was a colicky infant, he could comfort her quicker than I could. As a young toddler, she waited with baited breath for him to come home from work. She loves her Daddy with the fierceness of a lion.
But the past couple of weeks, she has been all about mommy. She now comes to me and asks to snuggle. My little non-affectionate kiddo actually wants to snuggle! But only with me. (And yep, she's still stingy with those hugs and kisses.) Her daddy will come home and she'll tell him to leave. The other night, we were getting ready for bed and she saw that I was getting her bath ready and said, "You're going to do my bath time and story? Oh, YAY!" The other night, I asked her if she wanted to go to the zoo with Mommy and Daddy, and she said "Yeah, but just Mommy."
Now, she obviously still loves her Daddy. She gave him a kiss goodnight last night (I didn't get one) and said she loves him. And when we're home alone together she asks where he is. I have to admit, though...it is nice to finally be getting a bit of that mother-daughter bond going. I hope it lasts.
Awww! I'm glad you are finally getting some toddler/preschooler love. :) It's wonderful.
I'm so happy for you! It's hard to be a mom and have a child not return our affection.
Don't you just love it? Rylie became a big time Daddy's girl after Bryce was born and I thought I had lost my girl forever. Nope. It didn't take long for her to become my girl again. :-)
She will change her mind a million times before she is grown about who she loves best. Enjoy it while you can.
I followed you from the blog hop.
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