In all honesty, the past couple of weeks have just been packed full of stuff to do. I mean...I haven't done an honest-to-goodness grocery shopping trip in over TWO WEEKS. You can imagine how my cabinets are starting to look. But that, folks, is a good thing. I'm trying to wean us (and particularly Angelica) off of the processed and unhealthy foods and onto more unprocessed and organic foods.
Going backwards...last weekend I accomplished one of my New Years Resolutions. We officially became members of First Unitarian (our "church"...though don't let the phrase mislead you, it's not a Christian church) last Friday and celebrated with a beautiful new member ceremony on Sunday morning. I feel so happy that our family now holds membership with such a welcoming and accepting community. It truly feels like a second home. I'm also thrilled that we've gotten more involved in the church, both through our Young Adults group and through volunteering in one way or another. I'm currently participating in a water conservation project with the church and it's GREAT.
That Monday I also started my new job and I am just loving it. I was worried that with how much I loved my last job that I would wind up missing it, and while I do miss the people (a LOT), it's amazing to finally be starting a career. As always there's a transition period and a bit of a learning curve, but I feel like I'm picking it up, and I work on another team of amazing people.
Somewhere in all of this mix of excitement we found time to take Angelica on her first theme park visit (Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios), which I think we probably enjoyed more than she did. She's scared to death of rides, but she did enjoy the splash park at Seuss Landing. I took tons of pictures so I'll blog about that in a separate post.
We also spent time with Grandma T and Grandpa J one weekend, and spent some time with Grandma and Grandpa G (my parents) tonight.
This may be a random thought, but, I can't believe we're preparing for Easter already. Wasn't it just January 1st? In fact, wasn't it just Easter last year?
Angelica's been good. We've got her THIRD birthday party booked and I can't believe in just over a month she's going to be three. Much like the thing about Easter I just mentioned...didn't I JUST bring the scrunchy newborn Angelica home from the hospital yesterday?
We can also scratch what I said a few weeks ago about three being better than two, because she can now throw an epic tantrum that puts the terrible two tantrums to shame. When she's not having a tantrum though, I am totally loving her personality these days. She's imaginative, inquisitive, thoughtful, too smart for her own good, and she's even starting to show signs of being affectionate. Now if only she'd show that affection to me and not by giving the poor cat gigantic bear hugs...
She's really at a crossroads right now between being totally needy and totally independent. My favorite part of this is when she interrupts me if I'm talking to someone else and if I don't respond immediately, she says, "Hey, Mommy! I'm TALKING to you!"
I think I'm going to wrap up this post here. I hate when a blog post comes out kind of random and rambling like this, but I wanted to get a few thoughts out of my head before I forget them.
1 comment:
That age is definitely a crossroads. I remember my daughter having a meltdown one day when she was almost 3. She would alternate between climbing in my lap for comfort and running to the other side of the room to get away from me. :) Hope the transition goes smoothly for your little cutie!
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