April 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: 365 Days of Angelica April 13 - April 19 {Linky}

April 13, 2011

April 14, 2011

April 15, 2011

April 16, 2011

April 17, 2011 (please excuse the mess, it was laundry day!)

April 18, 2011 (Daddy's glasses!)

April 19, 2011

(Days you may have missed: 365 Days of Angelica project.)

For more Wordless Wednesday fun, check out The Life of Rylie...and Bryce Too!, The Florida Hogans, and Shibley Smiles!


Aimee said...

OMG my little girl sucks her thumb too! It's so cute!

Lisa C. said...

Gorgeous... (=

Rachel said...

Awwww -- that last picture is so sweet!

TIFFANY said...

Love the pictures with Daddy's glasses! So cute!

Lori said...

Loving her sucking that thumb!

Lisa Noel said...

LOVE the colors of the pool pic!!

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas said...

she is so much fun!

Janessa said...

How cute! We have that same pillow pet at our house.

Katie said...

love the photo with the lollipop!

LeeAnn said...

Love the lollipop picture! So cute!

Mama B said...

awww SO cute! I really love that first picture!