April 8, 2011

Five Question Friday 4/8/11

What a wild ride this week has been! I cannot believe it's Friday already. We started off the week with a sick kiddo and I'm ending the week by looking forward to a new beginning. That's right, I'm starting my NEW JOB on Monday! While it's kind of bittersweet, since I love my current job, it's also fantastic because it's my first job in the field I have my master's in, which means that Monday is the official start to my career in marketing. Woohoo! I could not be more excited.

On another note, some of my bloggy friends and IRL friends are going through some tough times. I don't want to name names, because it's not my place to blast their business on the waves on the Internet, but I'm hoping the next few days bring good news and better times for them.

On to Five Question Friday!

1. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Hands down, my shyness. Bet you thought I was going to say weight because I have a whole section dedicated to weight loss, but nope, shyness is it. As The Smiths say: Shyness is nice, but shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to. That pretty much summarizes it. I'm a lot better now than I was a decade ago, though. Being a mom gives you a bit of a thicker skin.

2. Write about a time when you got lost.

I'm always getting lost. It's not so much that I have a poor sense of direction, my mind just tends to wander. I've even driven right past my street even though we've been here for a year. But if I had to pick a memorable time...I was about five or six, and my mom, sister, and I were shopping. We were in the toy section and my curious and distracted self stopped to look at something shiny and when I looked up, they were gone. I looked everywhere and finally a nice store clerk found me wandering around, looking panicked, and called for my mom over the loudspeaker.

3. Camping or 5 star hotel?

Oh, can I have both, please? I love nature and the outdoors and would love camping. But I'd also love being pampered in a five star hotel.

4. Have you donated blood?

::gulp:: No. And I am extremely ashamed of this. I have no excuse. I used to be scared of needles but since they draw about nine gallons of blood from you when you're pregnant, I've since gotten over that.

5. Do you have a budget or do you 'fly by' most months?

Budget ALL THE WAY. I have an Excel spreadsheet that I check several times a week and update as needed that acts as a calendar for all of our income and expenses so I know on any given day exactly how much money we should have. We spent many years out of control and now we're back IN control (Thank you, Dave Ramsey) and that budget is my guiding light. I'm budgeted until January of next year (with the caveat that sometimes changes need to be made since I am no fortune teller).


Clayton Thomas said...

Hi Andrea, hope all is well. After reading 5 questions Friday, you sound a lot like me. I would have to say that I'd pick the 5 star hotel over camping. :) Anyway, hope all is well and best wishes to the family!

My blog Tantrums, Troubles, and Treasures has moved to a new home if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

Ah Andrea, I was thinking on saying "both" to #3 as well but.... have once been in a Hilton hotel (don't ask, it was not in my plan) and enjoyed the most amazing bed in a very long time!!! That's the only thing that would entice me, see.
Yep, shyness can steel a lot if we let it. Which is a hrad battle, me thinks..
I love your banner and the cute pics of Angelica!
Have a good one!

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower (from Boost Your Buzz), I hope you'll follow me back! KellysLuckyYou.com

Liz Mays said...

I admire your disciplined approach to your budget. That is phenomenal!

Amber said...

I am a new follower. Love your blog and can't wait to read more! Please visit my blog and return the favor if interested. Thanks!