"What is it, honey?"
"Whales can be blue!"
"Oh, you're right, whales can be blue."
"Hmm. What else can be blue? Oh! Shoes can be blue!"
"You're right! What else is blue?"
"The sky can be blue! The carpet can be blue! Crayons can be blue! Cars can be blue!"
etc, etc, etc.
Ever since that day, if you show her something blue, she will launch into a long conversation about the many different things that can be blue.
As a result of this, I've also learned a few things I never knew before: Cats can be blue, brown dogs can be blue, people's noses can be blue, paint can be blue, Dora the Explorer can be blue, and zebras can be blue.
Oh, but it doesn't stop there my friends! She continued this trend and expanded onto rectangles. Did you know rectangles can be blue? And that doors are rectangles, ceilings are rectangles, carpets are rectangles, books are rectangles, and feet are rectangles?
I love the almost three year old imagination. She has become so creative!
This new imagination is not without its drawbacks, though. I pretended to turn her into a cat with a magic wand the other day. She said: "I'm not a cat, I'm Angelica!"
I replied, "What's that? All I hear is, meow, meow, meow!"
She burst into tears, ran out of the room and threw herself on the floor, sobbing, because she actually believed I had turned her into a cat. Whoops.
Good thing that magic wand could turn her back into Angelica.
LOL -- awwwww, poor, Angelica. That's so cute.
Oh.My.Gosh! What an absolutely adorable story about Angelica! It is sad that she got upset but so completely precious that she truly believed in magic. I love it!
LOL thats cute!
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