October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody! We just wrapped up a SUPER fun weekend of Halloween festivities! I haven't finished going through ALL of the photos yet -- missing from this are a few snapshots of Angelica "helping" me carve her first pumpkin, and the trip we took to the pumpkin patch with Willy and Anna, but these photos are a start!

First, Angelica in her purple kitty costume, made by my mom. She's been talking about being a purple kitty for Halloween since MARCH! These were taken at our church's Halloween party. They really did a great job. We had a pot luck dinner, and the high school youth group did a fantastic haunted house -- which scared Angelica too much so Scott took her out. I went through though, with a couple of seven year olds who clung to me with fright and then ran screaming from the place after the last room.

At the end they did a "trick or treat", where each kid who was dressed up got to say their name, what they are, and then go through a line of people around the courtyard to get some treats. She got candy and toys, but she was most fascinated by a butterfly stamp that was in one of the treat bags. She was also very excited that her daddy got to be one of the candy givers!
Angelica, the purple kitty.

Acting like a cat :)

A ghost statue, just her size. She kept hugging and kissing it.

This is Katye, one of the girls who works in the church nursery. Angelica <3s her!

Anyway, here's some pictures of Angelica having fun at the church party!

This second set is from our friends Julie and Scott's Halloween party. Their little boy, Jake, who is just as cute as can be, has been in the nursery with Angelica at church for the past year or so. Angelica decided to break out the princess costume for this party (though she will be trick or treating as the purple kitty.

Pushing a baby monkey (Eli) in the swing

Swinging princess!

Baseball princess!

Showing her boyfriend Aidan how to mow the lawn.

More baseball princess.

Tonight we'll be trick or treating with Willy and Anna! I should have more photos of that tomorrow. Have a safe and happy Halloween!


LeeAnn said...

Happy Halloween! The kitty costume came out cute! It looks like you guys had a super fun weekend.

sassydeafdiva said...

Happy Halloween!