October 25, 2011

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Pumpkin Patch 2011

This past weekend we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch! The pumpkin patch we went to had a fall festival going on that day, and we met up that afternoon before the festival started so that Angelica and Rylie could play and we could get some photos taken. I took over 400 (!) pictures while we were there...here's a sampling of the fun we had!


Next week I'll resume the 365 days of Angelica series (Yep! I have kept up with it this long, might as well finish out the year!)

You can also see more of the awesome time we had over at LeeAnn's blog, The Life of Rylie...and Bryce Too!

Our previous pumpkin patch visits:
2008 Pumpkin Patch
2009 Pumpkin Patch (I apparently didn't blog about the 2009 trip!)
2010 Pumpkin Patch


Carrie with Children said...

It looks like you all had a fantastic time at the pumpkin patch! I love that cute pumpkin dress too! So cute :)

K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy said...

Loving her dress. Where's it from? Glad to hear that you all had blast at the pumpkin patch.
