November 2, 2011

Giveaway Roundup 11.2.11

The holiday season is upon us! With Thanksgiving just a few short weeks away, I'm back in the swing of entering my fellow blogger's giveaways. I won some fantastic gifts for Angelica last year and I'm hoping to do so again this year!

So here is a quick rundown of some of the fantastic things I'm hoping to win. I'm sharing these so that even if I don't win, maybe one of my awesome readers will!

First, my good friends LeeAnn and Colleen are co-hosting a Countdown to Black Friday giveaway throughout November! I just entered their first two giveaways -- LeeAnn (of the Life of Rylie...and Bryce Too!) is giving away an awesome KitchenAid 13-cup Food Processor, and Colleen (of Shibley Smiles) is giving away a KitchenAid 7-quart Stand Mixer! Both would be GREAT for cooking a Christmas meal!

Next, One Savvy Mom is giving away an XBox 360, complete with Kinect Sensor and Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster game. I know Angelica would LOVE to win this!
She's also giving away three different types of the Amazon Kindle! You could win a Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch, or regular Kindle!
Check back as I add more to this list. Happy giveaway season!

1 comment:

K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy said...

Thanks for sharing!