January 30, 2012

A Boston Update

Well, we've been in Boston just over a week now and all is going better than expected. We are almost fully unpacked, and later this week our new couch is being delivered. I think at that point, we'll be fully moved in and settled.

Angelica started in her new pre-k program and is loving it. She adjusted really quickly. The first day we dropped her off, we took the tour to find out where everything goes and how her day will be scheduled but when I asked her if she wanted us to hang out, she said "Nope! You can go now!" Her teachers said she's been having a great time and she's one of the most polite three year olds they've ever met. That makes me proud. I know we've worked hard to instill good manners, and they definitely reinforced that at the daycare she was at in Florida.

I was talking with a fellow mom at church this weekend, and she works as a guidance counselor and she clued me in that Boston schools don't work like Florida's do. In Florida, you basically are assigned a district, and your child automatically goes to the school assigned to that district. In Boston, there are zones, several schools in that zone, and you have to pick a school in that zone for your child to go to...however, in order to increase your odds of getting a spot in your school of choice, you have to sign your four year old up for K-1, which is prekindergarten but in a public school. That's actually GREAT news because it's free, except for after school care. So that's my task for the week -- especially since registration ends this Friday!

On the job front -- Scott is LOVING his new job, and it makes me so happy. It's a lot less stressful when I know he'll be home at 6pm instead of "maybe" around 7 or 7:30. I had a great interview last Friday so I've got my fingers and toes crossed. I'm working on contract for the company I worked for back in Florida, and enjoying that, but I know it will come to an end so I'm trying to be as proactive as possible.

The weather has been good. There was about 3 inches of snow the day we landed, but then the temperature got up to the mid 50s a couple of days later and it all melted. I went for a run one evening last week and it snowed very lightly while I was out but it was warm enough that none of it stuck.

Finally, last weekend Scott's sister Shannon and her boyfriend Steve came up from Connecticut for a visit and we took the T into the city and went to Faneuil Hall/Quincy Market. The geeks in us were drawn to Newbury Comics, which was awesome, and we ate in the Quincy Market Colonnade. Angelica just loved taking the "orange train" to and from the city, and it was a lot of fun. We'd have stayed a lot longer if she hadn't gotten too tired.

Here are a few pictures just from around the house from the past week. You'll probably notice a theme. Angelica has never lived somewhere with stairs before, so they're an obsession for her.

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