January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: SNOW!

We're still getting settled up here in Boston, but here are some pictures from my phone of our first few days here.

This was on the plane. While we were getting ready for takeoff, she got a little nervous and asked to hold my hand. Once we were in the air, she was totally relaxed and excited about the flight. She was SO well behaved on the plane, too...she sat and watched her movie (The Lion King) and drank her juice and kept quiet. I was so proud of her.

This was right after we arrived...we were about to get in the car. Angelica was fascinated by the snow. While we walked to the car, she just kept touching the snow and squealing with delight.

Angelica making her first snowball.

The view from my back door. Somewhere down there are steps and a brick patio...

The original setup for Angelica's new room. We got this bed because we thought it would be fun for her to have a little "fort" to play in underneath the bed. Unfortunately, she thought the loft was too scary, so we flipped the bed over so the bed part is on the floor. Maybe when she's older...

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