January 17, 2012

My child is sneaky.

Last night I was babysitting my niece and nephew (ages 3 and 5, respectively) and Angelica was at the house with me. My sister's family just moved and their house is all in boxes, and right in the middle of the room was a box with a bowl full of candy in it. Of course, children ages 3-5 are drawn to candy like moths to a flame and somehow unearthed the box and proceeded to dig in before the parents realized what was happening.

So, of course, after noticing they had eaten about ten pieces of candy each, we took the bowl away. Somehow, they had a stash.

I was making dinner for the kids, and it got quiet. Too quiet. So I went looking for the kids and I heard some whispers and giggles coming from behind an open door.

I peered around the door, and what did I find? Three little ones, giggling, hiding, and secretly opening up their hidden candy stash. All three looked up at me with their candy hidden in their hands behind their backs. Angelica said, "Mommy, go away!"

Oh, those sneaky, sneaky kids...

1 comment:

Susieq said...

It's called 'being resourceful'. Isn't it amazing how fast they learn things like this? Think of the sophisticated level of reasoning that went into coming up with a plan and executing it. Your job (and Stefanie and Will's) is to channel it in the right direction. Otherwise they will all just grow up to be candy thieves.