March 30, 2012

Five Question Friday - March 30

It's been a long time since I've done one of these, but I'm trying to blog more often, so here we go! It's been a super fun week around here...Scott and I are both still loving work, and Angelica's having a blast at her new school (though she did flip through her album of her Florida friends and told me how much she misses her old school in Florida, and especially her BFF Rylie). I looked at the calendar yesterday and saw that it was March 29, which meant it was exactly two months until Angelica's fourth birthday. Didn't I JUST wrap up her 3rd birthday? My how time flies!

She's full of fun quips these days. She told me the other day, after being told to do something she didn't want to, "I don't want to, and if you make me, I'm NOT going to be your kid anymore!" That stubborn streak will suit her well later in life but it sure makes for interesting parenting. She also, out of nowhere, said to me the other day: "How will I EVER grow up? I'm only THREE YEARS OLD, how will I EVER grow up??" No idea where that came from because we had been silent in the car just moments before that, but I told her, "One day at a time, my dear." To which she replied again, "But I'm only THREE YEARS OLD!"

This weekend will probably be a fun one, too. The kids at our church have been working hard on a production of Seussical, so we'll be seeing that. Then there's chores and grocery shopping and trips to the playground.

Anyway, on to Five Question Friday!

1. What giveaway would you like to do on your blog?
I've been out of the giveaway game for awhile (though I do have another one coming up shortly) and I'm kind of enjoying not having a ton of stuff to review. That said, I wouldn't mind reviewing baby products when we get closer to having baby #2!

2. If you had to choose between natural artistic ability and natural athletic ability, which would it be?
It's a tough call. I have some artistic ability, but I would love to be able to do arts and crafts with more flair...but being athletic means I would have an easier time exercising which means I'd live longer. I guess I'd take the athletic ability and try to learn more artistic skills.

3. Do you ditch the coat the minute it becomes "spring" or are you a holdout for more cool temps?
I already ditched my coat, and then we got another "cold" snap. It's been in the 40s this week so I've been "roughing" it with a hoodie. It's bound to warm up again soon!

4. What would you do if you won the mega millions lotto of 1/2 billion dollars?
Buy a house, pay off our debts and all of our family's debts, start my own business, and save save save for the future.

5. You are at a hotel by yourself...what do you do?
I honestly don't know. How long am I there alone? I might take a nap or finish watching the last season and a half of Desperate Housewives. Or read a book. But I wouldn't want to stay there for long, it's lonely being alone!

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