April 2, 2012

Monday Moment of Truth - Week 1

Well, I did it! Last week I said I wanted my weight to drop below 270, and it did. It was 269.2. I think it was either 270.4 or 270.6 so that's a pound gone. It doesn't seem like much, but I'll take anything at this point, as long as the needle is moving in the right direction.

I am honestly a little disappointed, though. Mostly in myself. I was in a funk most of last week -- between having a few days of disrupted sleep and some nasty allergies, I slacked off on the exercise and had a day where I ate way too much junk food. I guess if I had been more diligent, I would be seeing an even smaller number this week.

On the plus side, I've been weaning myself off of diet soda for awhile. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners and diet soda was my last guilty pleasure. One day last week I was craving a Diet Pepsi, so I bought one, and it tasted awful. I'm taking that as a good thing. I crave water these days, which is a lot healthier!

I'm a little overwhelmed with scheduling, too. It seems like I'll hit a good stride and then as soon as any interruption comes along, it completely derails me and it takes me forever to get back on track. So, I suppose that's my goal for the week...to get back on track again, and keep that needle moving in the right direction.

I registered this morning to run on my company's team for the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge on July 12th, though. It's slightly longer than a 5k (it's 3.5 miles) so I better get training!

Apologies if this post is a bit out of sorts. Last night was one of those "interrupted sleep" nights...Angelica had a stomach bug and came in my room at 3AM to snuggle because she didn't feel good.

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