April 9, 2012

Monday Moment of Truth - Week 2

This past week was incredible...right up until Sunday (Easter) morning.

I was getting a little frustrated by the lack of consistency in my exercise routine, so last Tuesday Scott and I had a discussion and worked out a really doable plan to make sure I could get on a regular exercise schedule. And wouldn't you believe it, I was able to do it. And stuck to it. And by Friday, I had lost two pounds, which was my goal for the week!

Saturday went great because we were mostly out of the house, running around and doing Easter related kids stuff, but I didn't step on the scale to see if I had lost any more weight because I wanted today to be a surprise. And then...yesterday morning...it all came crashing down.

Or, should I say...I came crashing down...right down the stairs.

I'm not even kidding.

I am probably one of the clumsiest people in the world, and since we moved into this place (end of January, mind you) I have fallen down the stairs four times. So yesterday when I fell down again I kind of rolled my eyes at myself and thought, "Ugh, not this again."

How did it happen? I can't say for sure. I never can. All I know is one second I was running down the stairs to watch Angelica open her Easter basket, and the next thing I knew I was flopping down the stairs on my ass. When I popped up, my foot was kind of sore, but nothing unusual for someone who had just fallen down stairs, so I hobbled over to the couch to watch her open her Easter basket.

And a half hour later when she was done and I went to get up, I immediately knew something was very wrong. As soon as I put pressure on my big toe, I had to use every ounce of willpower not to yell out words that would have been inappropriate to say in front of a three year old.

Angelica was very, very excited about the Easter Egg hunt our church was having, so, much to Scott's dismay, I insisted we go to church, and then right after services and the egg hunt were over, we went to the ER. Where I got an X-Ray.

Sure enough, I have a broken big toe.

My first thought was...but what about the race I'm already signed up to run in July? How can I keep training for it? Will I have to drop out? How can I exercise? What am I going to do?

(My next thought was, "Damn it, Scott's going out of town on a business trip on Tuesday, but that's more irrelevant to this story, though it is much more of an inconvenience.)

I went to an orthopedic doctor for a follow-up this afternoon, and he confirmed that yes, it's broken, but it's a minor break and I should be back up and running in 3-4 weeks. Much sooner than the 6 weeks the ER doctor had told me. So, I'm not officially "out" for July. I'll still have plenty of time to get back to training.

Until then, though, I can't put enough weight on my foot to stand on the scale, so I have no idea where i really stand right now. (No pun intended.) I guess this means I just have to ramp up my healthy eating efforts, and maybe do some upper body exercise.

So, that's my no-good, very bad weekend. I'm determined to push through and still reach the finish line, though. This is just a minor blip on the radar as I progress toward my better, healthier life.

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