May 7, 2012

What's New?

Wow. It really has been almost a month since I last posted.

Sometimes, life gets really, really busy...and this past month is no different.

The good:
* My broken toe has healed! I won't lie, it's still a little sore if I wiggle it the wrong way, but I am fully able to run again, and happy about that. Unfortunately, after a month of being instructed not to exercise, all the hard work I did the month prior to that has gone to waste. Bummer. I can definitely feel that my fitness level dropped so I need to work hard to get that back.

* We scheduled Angelica's FOURTH birthday party! Her birthday is over Memorial Day weekend so we scheduled it the following weekend to make sure all her friends would be able to come, since a lot of people travel over the long weekend. I still cannot believe my tiny baby is almost a big four year old.

* I truly love my job. I love living in Boston. We're finally making friends. Life up here, for us, is really, really good. 

The bad:
* Angelica is homesick. She had a breakdown last night and cried and cried because she misses her old friends and her old school and her cousins. My heart just broke when she talked about how she is unhappy here and said "I just want to pack up!" Poor thing. She has tons of friends and for the most part she is so happy, but I remember moving when I was a kid and leaving my best friend and it was hard on me too. Luckily, we'll be visiting friends and family in Florida in the summer. I can't wait!

* Our cars. Oh, our ancient cars. On Friday the battery light on my dashboard came on, and I thought it was just a fluke because my battery is still new. Saturday night my car died with a trunk full of groceries, so Scott came and jump started it so I could get home. Sunday, it would jumpstart but would die after driving a few feet, so I had it towed into the repair shop. The alternator was bad, so this morning I gave them the okay to fix it and Scott drove me to work. As we pull into the parking lot at work, smoke starts coming out from under the hood of his car. He drove it across the street to the repair shop, and after examining it, the mechanic told him "It's not even worth it to fix this." Our cars are both 11 years old. So, I guess we're car shopping.

And that's it for now. I'm going to try to have a Wordless Wednesday post this week, too, and showcase some photos of the fun we've had over the past month.

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