May 9, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: With Aunt Shannon

Okay, maybe not so "Wordless Wednesday" this week. I haven't gone through all of my photos from the past few weeks, but I came across this one and I just love it. Last weekend we drove down to Connecticut to celebrate Scott's Dad's birthday, and stayed over at his sister Shannon's house. Angelica adores her Aunt Shannon, and I got a lot of great pictures over the day and a half we were there -- especially a ton of photos of Angelica chasing around Shannon's new puppy, Frankie.

This, I love though. We went to a Bridgeport Bluefish game the last day we were there and Angelica was just having a blast. You can tell by her crazy, crazy hair that it was super windy that day (and it didn't help that she had a giant ice cream cone and got it all over her hair), but she is just so happy.

Photos like this remind me, too -- I always get a ton of pictures of the little ones in my life, but I forget the important big people. I need pictures of Angelica with my sister and brother-in-law, and my parents, and Scott's other two sisters, and his parents, and all the rest of our families. This little girl is so loved.

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