July 17, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday -- Carnival

This past weekend we went to the Italian Festival in Newton. It was in it's 77th year, people! That just blows my mind! Anyway, it was a super time had by all. We joined up with Scott's work friend and her husband...they both just moved to Boston and I'm glad they did. They're good people.

Angelica hadn't been to a carnival since she was about two, so this was a fantastic event for her! In early 2011, we took her to Islands of Adventure at Universal and she was terrified of the rides, so I was sure she'd probably take one look and have a breakdown. Instead, the first ride she went on was a kiddie rollercoaster...and then asked to go on it three more times! She was absolutely drawn to some of the faster rides, but she was too short to go on them.

She hated the funhouse, though. Haaated it. We went in and she was okay at first, but as soon as she saw we had to go upstairs to get out she totally freaked out. We couldn't get back out the way we came so we had to go out that way, so she eventually let me scoop her up and carry her up...and once we were up there, she was fine.

She also loved the games! She played the "pick a ducky" game and won a very, very loud trumpet toy (which may or may not be....ahem...missing...).

But most of all...she loved THIS:
(and yes, folks, she did eat the whole thing. and had an EPIC sugar crash.)


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