July 24, 2012

Pity Party for One

I haven't really been keeping up with the diet/weight loss posts because, to be honest, I've spent the past few weeks throwing myself a giant pity party. Since moving to Boston, I've gained a lot of weight, and while I did exceptionally well (given my expectations) at the race a few weeks ago, I hit an emotional roadblock shortly thereafter and things just spiraled downward from there.

And with that, I fell into the trap of telling myself that I "can't" do this. That it hurts too much/that it's too inconvenient/that it takes too much time/etc. And that's when I turned to my wonderful hubby and he gave me some options and advice.

Today I stepped on the scale and noticed I was actually down three pounds from the last time I stepped on it...I was 273. I don't remember the last weight I reported on here, but I had gotten up to 277, my highest non-pregnancy weight. And that is when the emotional breakdown began. But here I am, back down a few pounds and really, I am ready to get moving again.

Even if I don't do as well as I did two years ago when I started running (and was 20lbs lighter) I can at least try. I can at least do my best. And I will. I'm going to remove the self-criticism and just go with it. And everything will be okay.


Ani said...

You're right, you CAN do it...
Its only difficult to start back up again, if you stop. I keep telling myself that!

Remember, this is health gain, not so much a weight loss! You can DO IT! <3

Unknown said...

Aw, keep on trying! Moving is hard and throws things off. Getting back in a routine will probably help. I'll be looking for inspiration after this baby is born. I'm ready to be healthy!