May 19, 2008

38w3d - 1w4d to go (10 days to due date, 16 days to induction)

I'm still pregnant.


The contractions I had all last week have died off completely. I'm so disappointed. On Friday, they were so strong I was SURE I'd have a baby by the end of the weekend. Here it is, Monday at 12:02 a.m. and I'm still pregnant, zero contractions, sore, tired, cranky, having heartburn for the 100th day in a row, running the electric bill way up with the air conditioning (because I am ridiculously hot all the time, I miss the freedom to move about as I please, and I REALLY WANT THIS KID OUT OF ME.

I'm also as big as a friggin house. I stepped on the scale - I've gained 50 pounds. I'm eager for the kid to come out so I can start losing weight again. I want my body back, all for myself (except for breastfeeding of course).

Ugh. I'm off to go eat my weight in Tums so that maybe, just maybe I can get through the night without waking up and having my throat be on FIRE.

Here's hoping that THIS week will be the week. I know it will all be over for sure on June 2nd, but I really, really don't know how much more I can take. Here's hoping also that at least this week when I get the fun/uncomfortable/somewhat painful cervical check, I'll have at least made SOME progress so I don't have to be panicking that the induction won't take if we even make it that far.

The worst part of all this is just the constant worry - between my HBP and the amniotic fluid level being low (though low end of normal) I just worry that the more time she spends inside is just one more day that something could go wrong.

Funny how the first part of this pregnancy was so easy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My last comment seems to have been deleted so if this is a repeat...well you know! Just wanted to let you know that the best thing you can do is plan a June 2nd birth (my prediction 7 months ago) and try to relax. The best thing you can do is relax and plan this for 2 weeks from now. Sure way to get our Angel here sooner. After 3 girls I can tell you....they will never do as you want, expect, plan or ask. Hang in there. I love you and can't wait to see you and baby Angelica.

Soon to be Grandma Tammy