September 8, 2008

Angelica's first clothes get packed away. :(

Tonight was a bittersweet night. Now that Angelica is over 3 months old, it was time to pack up the clothes that she's worn for the first 3 months of her life to make way for the next batch of outfits. All of her 0-3 month sized outfits have been washed, sorted, and either stowed away for safekeeping or put in the "donate" pile for Aunt Stefanie to pick through for cousin Anna (the rest to be donated to charity).

Hard to believe my little girl is so big now that she's already started to outgrow stuff. Hard to believe her first year of life is already a quarter over. She's getting to be so big, so smart, and so aware of everything. She smiles and talks and coos and screams and cries.

She's also teething. It's heart-wrenching, ear-piercing, and hilarious all at the same time. If you're wondering how teething could be hilarious, here's how: my little munchkin takes just about anything she can grab onto and puts it in her mouth and goes "nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom" in little monster voice. It's like "garrrwwwwwwwwwwaarrrraaahhh". Things she puts in her mouth include: her hands, her toys, my hands, Scott's hands, her clothes, her teething ring, and she has even tried to put my face in her mouth once. She grabbed my cheeks and tried to pull it in with mouth wide open. It was funny.

The heart-wrenching part of it is when her poor teeth get so sore she screams. And screams. And screams. And nothing can console her except for her daddy. That's right. She's a daddy's girl for sure.

The cute thing she does now though is reaching for stuff. I got her a Bumbo seat, and she'll sit there and I'll hold rattles or other objects up and she'll reach out for them. She's getting the point now where she's almost always successful. She just has a little ways to go with that hand-eye coordination.

And on that note, it's back to doing some baby laundry. Sigh. My sweet little baby is growing up too quickly.

Pictures to come in the next post...

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