October 7, 2008

An aside from my normal routine...

I'm going to break from my normal posting routine to pay tribute to a mommyblogger on my blogroll whose story has inspired and moved me, and who is going through just about the worst time that a mother could ever go through...

This mother, Stacy (http://sgirl79.blogspot.com/), delivered her son Isaac this morning - he had a condition that was incompatible with life. She and her husband were able to spend 16 wonderful minutes with Isaac before he passed on. Her story, her strength in her faith and courage is genuinely moving. I can honestly say that I don't think I could have been half as brave as she was had I been in her shoes, and I really admire her for giving all that she could to her son.

So, if you have a moment today, if you could, send them some prayers or wishes for strength to get through this difficult time.

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