October 14, 2008

Angelica's neurologist appointment recap, plus, she's sitting assisted!

Lots of good stuff all around today! Most importantly, the appointment with the neurologist went very well. The cyst is benign and doesn't even require surgery. The doctor said it will likely go away on its own within the next six months. We'll have a follow-up appointment in April to just make sure it's gone away. That's really exciting news, and such a relief!

In other good news, our little girl is making more progress in the mobility department. If you look to the right here, you'll notice she's sitting up! She can sit up for pretty much an indefinite period of time now as long as she has the Boppy pillow around her. It's so exciting, I'm so proud of my little lady!

That was today's good news. The rest of the day I spent with my very fussy baby girl. She did cheer up toward the end of the day though and we had a good time playing and singing songs. I miss days like these, which we had all the time when I was on leave. My daughter is truly a wonderful little girl and I'm still amazed at how much I love her.

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