October 24, 2008


I think this week has been a moderate success. There have been a few meals here and there where I made poor choices, but I think overall, I've done well. We'll find out what the scale says on Monday!

I think I may also start going to back to the gym this weekend. I've considered canceling my membership, but I think it's important that I go on weekends, and just do what little exercise I can squeeze into my budget on weekdays. I think that, and the food diary, will be my tasks for next week.

Speaking of "tasks", I'm going to start assigning weekly goals for myself, three a week. Just small tasks that will eventually build to big change,.

Next week's goals:
- Don't drink your calories! (One glass of orange juice, and one cup of coffee with splenda and creamer excepted)
- Start food journal - fill it out at LEAST three days.
- Start exercise - work out at LEAST three days for 30 minutes/day.

1 comment:

Ehm Aye Why said...

good goals :) good luck!