October 25, 2008

Angelica Rocks!

As promised, here's the video of our little Angelica almost crawling! She's been doing this for probably about a week now (so starting at 4 1/2 months). She gets up on all fours and rocks and then throws herself forward, like you see at the very end of the video. Also, at the end, I promise she doesn't fall off the bed. She still had about a foot to go, she was just too close for my comfort!

Isn't this just crazy? The pediatrician, the ladies at her daycare, other moms, all tell me that this is way ahead of what she is supposed to be doing, and I am just in awe of her!

The solid food eating is going well too. I haven't mentioned much about it lately, but she hasn't found much of anything she won't eat. She's had rice cereal, applesauce, bananas, sweet potatoes and carrots so far, and scarfed them down like nobody's business. She also likes to "feed herself", which consists of me putting food on the spoon, then handing it to her and she shoves it in her mouth.

Solids = big mess though. This morning she got a rice cereal/banana mixture followed by a bath...she was a MESS. So was I. So was the floor. So was her bumbo seat. I think it may be time to get a high chair :)

1 comment:

Ehm Aye Why said...

hahaha I love it!!