November 21, 2008

Long time...

Long time since the last's been a tough couple of weeks...sick baby, emergency trip to the After Hours pediatrician, planning for Thanksgiving, work, then I got sick. Ugh. What a wild ride!

Anyway as of Monday I was +1 (275). Le sigh. The good news is that this week has been phenomenal, diet and exercise-wise. I squeezed in three 40 minute sessions of cardio/strength so far this week...I'd have squeezed in two more so far but I am sick as a dog with this stupid cold and can't breathe through my nose. Such is life I suppose. I also can't really eat (stuffed up nose = REALLY hard to swallow!) so maybe that will be reflected on the scale.

I got Mr. C on board with me this week diet/exercise-wise too. He created himself a sparkpeople account (I also use sparkpeople) and has been watching his diet and exercising too. It's nice to have a support system in the house.

And at what better time, too! Little Miss Angelica has taken to pulling herself to standing and starting to cruise a little bit! She'd be a lot better at it if our coffee table was a little bit shorter. She's better at pulling herself up on her swing or exersaucer, but those aren't really the sturdiest things so I try to not let her do it. But she's only 5 1/2 months...this is way ahead of schedule, so in a few months I'm sure we'll have a runner on our hands...well before the one year mark!

Anyway...we'll see what number Monday brings to the scale! Other than the cold, I've actually been feeling really great this week, probably as a result of the healthy foods and even if the number on the scale isn't great, at least I can feel a difference!

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