November 29, 2008

Angelica's Half Birthday

Can you believe it? Angelica is six months old today! That means that when she wakes up tomorrow, she will be closer to her 1st birthday than the day she was born. As you can see, she's grown tremendously in these first six months. When we brought her home, she could barely move herself around, slept most of the time, cried the rest of the she crawls, kneels, stands with assistance, laughs, "talks" (in baby babble of course) and is just all-around a joy to have as a daughter.

We spent the afternoon out with her grandma and grandpa picking out some Christmas gifts, and went to dinner together. Daddy shared some of his tuna sandwich and fruit with her, and she ate a bite of grandpa's cottage cheese. Then she got a bath in her new big girl tub and went nighty night!

Happy half birthday sweet baby, mommy and daddy love you!

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