January 14, 2009

Mommy Moment #5

My little girl is growing up.

I had to make a run to Target this afternoon to pick up baby wash and diaper cream, and while I was there, I skimmed through the baby clothing section, since they just got in their new variety.

I got a hint of this same thing last weekend when shopping for some clothes for her, but I thought it was just that we were in a smaller store...but no...

She has outgrown an entire section of store.

I went to the baby section, looking at all the cute footie sleepers and lo and behold, they don't make them in the 9-12 month size.

The cute outfits that they just got in the baby section, also don't come in the 9-12 month size.

That's when the above realization hit me. It hit home even further when I went through the baby food/baby items section to get the necessities I'd come for, and realized how much of that we'll never need to buy for her again. No more bottles (she'll be moving to sippy cups soon enough). No pacifiers (she never used them anyway). No little jingly toys (they don't hold her interest anymore).

My baby girl is growing up. I'm not ready to be the mom of a toddler yet!

In thinking about this, I realized that it may be time, sooner or later, for this blog to come to an end. And I'm thinking her first birthday might be the right time. I originally started this to keep family up to date on the pregnancy and on her early days, but I think keeping this blog would be more self-serving than beneficial to anyone else. Especially since I've now started my website (www.theroadtome.com).

So that's just my current thinking. I think, even if this blog does come to an end when she turns 1, I'll save the pages so she can go back and read about her time in my tummy, and her first few months in this crazy, crazy world.

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