January 15, 2010

Operation Lose the Baby Weight: Week 2 Wrap-Up

Each Friday is my weigh in day. Since I didn't post anything for Week 1, I'll summarize:
Keeping in mind that I have a goal of losing 2 pounds/week:
January 7 weigh-in: -4.6 lbs
January 14 weigh-in: -1.2 lbs
Total weight lost: 5.8 pounds.

I'm still 1.8 pounds ahead of my goal, so that's pretty good! Having said that, I am shocked that I lost anything at all this week since I could not motivate myself to get my ass up off the couch and do anything. I also "splurged" and ate a few things that I knew were bad for me. The good thing about that is that I was mindful of it, so for example, I only ate a few extra chips instead of, oh, I don't know, the ENTIRE BAG.

This week I really want to focus on drinking more water. I think it's a bad sign that I drink way too much soda (even if it's diet soda!) when my almost 20 month old daughter can not only say "soda" but requests it on a regular basis. (She doesn't actually GET any, but boy oh boy does she want it!)

Another big change this week is what I have for dessert each night. Angelica really, really loves "schtoberries!" (strawberries) so I keep them on hand. One night, I cut them up and sprinkled with sugar (could also use Splenda) and it was really great. It was the perfect little sweet treat to have after dinner.

If you're on a mission to lose last of your baby weight, don't forget you can join my SparkTeam on Sparkpeople.com! See the post before this one for a link!

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Good luck with the weight loss! I need to join your SparkTeam, that's for sure. As soon as I can find more internet time I will.