May 20, 2010

Angelica doesn't want it ANYMORE!

The other day I wrote about Angelica's fierce independent streak. Let me expound upon that with some of her most recent antics.

Because she always does whatever she can to get what she wants, when she wants it, she is incredibly vocal about things that she doesn't want as well. This is especially true when I am trying to distract her from something that she does want, like ten cookies before dinner, or to avoid going to bed at night. She has one particular phrase that she says that makes me have to cover my mouth and look away so that she doesn't see my desire to collapse into hysterical laughter.

One example of this is last night, when she didn't want to go to bed (at 10pm, mind you), so I said, "Here Angelica, take your lovey!" (Lovey is her favorite teddy bear blankey that goes literally everywhere with her.) She looks up at me, scrunches up her face and yells:

"NO WANT LOVEY, ANYMORE!" (Extra strong emphasis on the "anymore").

We usually go about ten rounds of this between the time we get home and the time she goes to bed at night.

But the other night was the best. I was trying to get her to lay down ("NO lay down, anymore!") tucked in ("No tuck in, anymore!"), and turn on her bubble machine ("NO want bubbles, anymore!") After I finally get her laying down and tucked in, I say, "Can Mommy have a hug and kiss goodnight?" To which she responds:

"NO hug and kiss nite nite, EVER AGAIN!"

I hugged and kissed her anyway, told her I loved her, said goodnight, turned off the light, closed the door, and flopped down with my face in a pillow and laughed. And laughed. And laughed.

The next night she asked ME for a hug and kiss. I think I won that round.


LeeAnn said...

Hilarious! What is up with these fiery, independent little girls of ours anyway? :-)

Ehm Aye Why said...

Bwahahahaha omg I think I just love this little girl!! I giggled till my eyes watered, at my desk at work no less!!

Shelley said...

Visiting from Friendly Friday! I'm your newest follower! Love for you to come visit and follow me :)

Have a great weekend!
Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

Sarah Kimmel said...

Totally sounds JUST like my daughter. She's almost 5 now, and has not outgrown it. One thing is for sure, our kids will never give in to peer pressure. Much too strong willed.