Week 1: 257
Week 2: 254 (-3)
Week 3: 254 (-0)
Week 4: 254 (-0)
Week 5: 252 (-2)
Week 8: 251 (-1)
Week 9: 252 (+1)
12. Week 12: 252 (-0)
Week 13: 252 (-0)
Thanks for all of your support and suggestions last week. I'm proud to say that I am now finally able to eat a good, healthy breakfast. This morning I enjoyed a bowl of original Cheerios with one cup skim milk and a banana, followed by 12 ounces of water. At least I'm getting the week started off right.
Unfortunately I gave in to food cravings almost exclusively this past week. I feel very fortunate that the scale didn't give me a higher reading.
And I'm having a hard time with the exercise. I want to run, so, so badly. But I keep making excuses. The house is too messy and I need to clean. It's too late. It's raining. It's too early. The ground is wet. So on and so forth. I've contemplated just breaking out the workout DVDs to get around the worries about the weather, but some how I've psyched myself out of doing them. I just love running. I love the freedom. I love the accomplishment of being able to run just a little bit further or longer than I could the week before.
So what's my hang-up? I just need to make it a priority. Last October, when I was in the swing of things and running was going really well, I had gotten my health issues under control...most importantly, blood pressure. Well, I took my blood pressure last weekend and it was right back where it was before I started and it made me angry. I worked so hard to get that under control. That's a number that's infinitely more important than the readout on the scale.
It's pouring out today, but if it clears up tonight, I AM going running. I've also got a running date with a good friend on Friday. No more excuses. This is happening.
I understand completely about WANTING to do something and just not doing it for whatever reason...
Are there any ways to UNpsych you out from doing the DVDs? Do you have a gym you can run inside at? Maybe get a windbreaker or some sort so if it is dewy outside, you'll have less of an excuse to not run!
As far as the scale not budging up, YAY! As far as it not budging down, have you considered that you might not be eating enough? When I'm eating right and counting calories, I eat 2000-2300 (depending on exercise) and lose 2 pounds a week... obviously i haven't done that in a while... but it works!
Keep up the great work darling!!
Thanks Ani! I'm trying to tell myself that doing "something" is better than nothing...I just got so much more out of running than I ever did from doing fitness DVDs but I'm really trying to get myself motivated to just do something if it's yucky outside. The gym is pretty much out of the question since if it's not "right there" I'm not likely to do it. It's great that you've had so much success! I know we're both into the F2F philosophy so I am going to try to really get back into that this week!
Hey girl, don't let anything get you down! I should take my own advise.. 83 days from my half marathon and I haven't run in 2 weeks! My knee has been killing me. Just making dinner for like 30 damn minutes causes pain. WAAH!
Today was the first time I went back to the gym in a week, All I can do is bike (even elliptical hurts my knee, go figure) and I did some weights... its so frustrating wanting to do something that so many people can do and not being able to. I can totally relate to nothing being as fulfilling as running!
KEEP IT UP! BUT if you can't, do SOMETHING! Gelli will thank you later ;-) <3<3<3
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