January 5, 2012

Good news!

I've been absent from blogging for a bit...a bit more than I'd like. The holidays came and went (and I promise I WILL get pictures posted) but the main reason for my absence has nothing to do with the holiday season.

In early December, we got some fantastic news. Some unexpected news. Some news that I'm still giddy about, nervous about, excited about and scared about.

Can you guess what it is?

I'll bet you thought I was going to say that we're expecting. Well, we are! Just...not a baby.

We're expecting a BIG move to Boston, MA!
(For those not in the know, we're currently residents of Central Florida.)

Back in October, on a whim, Scott applied for a job with a company that makes one of his favorite games (he has worked in the video game industry for about 11 years), thinking he'd never actually hear back from them. Fast forward a month and a half and he's been granted an irresistible job offer.  He starts on Monday, and Angelica and I will be joining him later this month! I've had a few very exciting job interviews as well, so I'm not anticipating it will take me long to find a job up there as well. I'm very fortunate and grateful that in the meantime that my boss is allowing me to telecommute.

So, our holidays were filled with a bit of holiday joy, and a LOT of packing up stuff in boxes, cleaning, selling/donating items we no longer need, and making all sorts of other preparations for the transition.

I guess it's safe to say 2012 is going to bring a lot of change our way.

(Speaking of change, check out my 2012 project -- The VegMom Blog! I'll be blogging weekly recipes and weight loss updates there.)


Carrie with Children said...

Wow! How exciting! Congratulations! Temperature-wise it will be a big adjustment I'm sure - but I have friends up there and they LOVE it!

I'm excited to follow along online with your new adventure!

BethElderton said...

Exciting! Best Wishes and Good Luck!

everyday products and more said...

Great news congratulations newest follower look forward to reading your posts