March 28, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday - Pinkeye

Angelica contracted her very first case of pinkeye last week. We got the dreaded call from daycare that she might be coming down with it around 11:30, and by 3:30 they were calling us to come get her. I was dreading it. Back in May, when she had nursemaids elbow followed by her 3 year checkup all within a five day period, she screamed bloody murder from the second we walked in the door until we left.

We also had not yet picked a new pediatrician since moving to Boston. I had started my search the day before and luckily had one in mind, and they referred us to an urgent care they work with since they couldn't get us in. So, I took her to their recommended urgent care (which was in Children's Hospital Boston -- talk about convenient) and they got us into a room pretty quickly, where we proceeded to wait. And wait. And wait. We got there at about 4:15, there was nobody in the waiting room, and we weren't even seen until 5:30.

Thankfully, as you can see here, what a difference ten months makes. She specifically told me she was not going to cry or be scared (though I told her it's okay if she was scared and I would hold her hand), and she would let the doctor look at her eye. She also had tripped and fallen on the playground right before I picked her up and insisted that she show the doctor her scraped elbow. (The awesome doctor had a great sense of humor and indulged her, too!)

She was also impressed that the linens on the exam table had her name on them. :)

The pinkeye was confirmed and the doctor congratulated us on catching it "incredibly early" -- within hours of onset, she said. (Uh, of course, her eyes were fine when she was dropped off at daycare and red when I got her six hours later, so...well...thanks daycare teachers!) But I was proud of her.

So, we got through a doctor visit with smiles and laughter instead of tears and a headache, and she even thanked the doctor before we left. My heart is full of pride.

I was even more proud when it was time for her eyedrops and she didn't even flinch. She took it like a champ!


LeeAnn said...

I still can't believe that Angelica has been in daycare for three years and that was her first case of pink eye. Lucky! Keep the drops, may need them again.

And isn't it nice to not deal with screaming at the doctor's office any longer? ;-) I remember those days. Good for her for being so brave!

LeeAnn said...

I still can't believe that Angelica has been in daycare for three years and that was her first case of pink eye. Lucky! Keep the drops, may need them again.

And isn't it nice to not deal with screaming at the doctor's office any longer? ;-) I remember those days. Good for her for being so brave!

LeeAnn said...

I still can't believe that Angelica has been in daycare for three years and that was her first case of pink eye. Lucky! Keep the drops, may need them again.

And isn't it nice to not deal with screaming at the doctor's office any longer? ;-) I remember those days. Good for her for being so brave!