October 16, 2008

Mommy Moment #1

Mommy moments are a new segment I'll be writing periodically. A "mommy moment" is a moment where something happens that truly makes me feel like someone's mommy.

Today, as I was driving my daughter to daycare before heading to work, we listneed listening to her favorite nursery rhymes on my iPod...I recently downloaded the Baby Genius nursery rhymes album from iTunes, and hadn't really given it much thought in my usual morning fog. (Angelica's going through a phase where she's starting to wake up once a night again...both mommy and daddy are exhausted as a result!)

But this morning, I had gotten a little more sleep than usual and as we were driving into daycare, I realized not only was I listening to nursery rhymes...on my iPod...nursery rhymes which I had purchased, on purpose, from iTunes...I was singing along without even thinking about it...and not just singing, but truly enjoying it!

This coming from a girl who five years ago had a motto about music...something about the louder and edgier it was, the better...I was a true punk rocker "back in the day" and though I'm a few years removed from that now, this driving along, singing along to nursery rhymes definitely hit me as a "mommy moment".

Because, really, unless you're under the age of seven, or a mom, who else would find listening to nursery rhymes in the car fun?


Stefanie said...

Wow. I admire you for that. My kids are still listening to my music in the car. Willy is actually a big Linkin Park and Sarah Barelis fan. I do aviod anything with a lot of strong language though. But when I drive it's usually across town so I need something to entertain me. Don't think I could do the nursery rhymes thing.

Ani said...

awe andrea! thats cute :-)
i'm with stef tho... my kid will be rockin out with her cock all up in your grill ;-)

Andrea said...

I do still occasionally subject her to my music (but try to pick the "tamer" stuff), she LOVES Death Cab for Cutie (especially since Narrow Stairs came out right after she was born and it was all I listened to for awhile)...but I find the nursery rhymes keep her happy in the car. I even sometimes think I hear her trying to hum along...she's very musical!