Now that we've got the behavior issues under control (mostly -- she is two, after all), I'm starting to see what a generous heart Angelica has. She's really starting to come out of her shell as a social being, and I love seeing her hug her friends and cousins and show concern for people's feelings. My nephew visited the other day and was in the worst mood ever, and she kept trying to hug him and make him laugh to no avail. (She then called him a grump, which made me giggle.)
She's also come around on baby dolls. For a long time she wouldn't really interact with them, but the other day she held one and gave it a "bottle" and sang rock a bye baby to it and it just made me smile so big.
I'm also loving that she has become a total mama's girl. For the first 2 1/2 years of her life, Daddy ruled her world, but for the past month or so, it's all mama, all the time. It's sad to see her push him away at times, but I truly cherish the moments when she crawls into my lap, or when she asks for my help, specifically, or the little inside jokes we now have together. Our bond is evolving from mama/baby to mother/daughter and it is one of the sweetest things I have ever known.
Another thing that's great -- she is a born leader. She insists on taking leadership roles in her classroom (so her daycare teacher says) and gets angry when she's denied...and fights for it (sometimes a little too hard). And yesterday, when my niece and nephew were visiting, we caught her trying to potty train my niece (who is nowhere near ready), and teach her how to wash her hands.
And, she really, really loves to help. She takes a lot of pride in doing things for us. I know that may be a passing phase, but it makes life so easy when I can ask her to get me something or pick something up or throw something away for me and she takes such delight in doing so.
One day, she's going to be a great big sister.
As for me, some things have come up lately that have made me reflect on my pregnancy with Angelica. As harrowing as it was at times, I have to admit that there is a lot that I miss about being pregnant. It truly was an amazing time...and though after Angelica's birth I swore I was never going to go through that ever, ever hindsight it was so worth it. It's something you only get to experience a couple of times in life. It's something that I reflect on when I look at my otherwise "flawed" body, I am amazed that as imperfect as I consider it to be, it was able to create someone so amazing. And now I look forward to going through that again, someday, in the indeterminate future.
I'm so glad that I documented my pregnancy with Angelica so well too. It's amazing when I look back through the earliest posts on this blog, even if the words didn't match up I can still feel the joy that I felt when I was writing them. From the first post, to the second ultrasound (I started this blog after the first one was done), to the day we found out she was a girl, to the day I was put on restricted activity, to the day I went in for the was all amazing.
I really laugh hard when I read the post about our NT scan, which was done around 11 weeks, when Angelica was fighting back against the ultrasound wand, and giving the tech a hard time because her thumb was in her mouth and blocking a view she needed. Anyone who knows her now knows that she is a fighter and a BIG thumb sucker. I guess she was starting early! Actually, now that I think about it, anytime I had an ultrasound or doppler or NST, she would always move as far away from the wand or sensor as she could. She's always had a mind of her own, even before birth! In that post I also commented on how long her fingers looked...well, when she was born, people commented all the time on her long fingers! (Itty bitty feet though...she still only wears a 6 or 7 shoe, depending on the brand...couldn't even wear newborn shoes at birth!)
In hindsight it amazes me how incredibly naive, and maybe even pollyanna about the process, I was back then! I can't help but chuckle at my innocent perspectives on childbirth and the fact that I was trying so hard to not take everything seriously...)
When it is time for that second baby...I wonder, will I start a new blog? Will I continue on in this one, since so far, this has really been Angelica's story? I suppose those aren't decisions that need to be made now, since we won't be having another baby for at least a few more years. It's an adventure I'm really looking forward to having again. And, really looking forward to doing it again with a healthy body.
Angelica sounds like such a sweetheart.
couldn't you just change the name of your blog to "angelica and _____'s adventures?"
i miss reading what you write all of the time.
-an old lj friend. can you guess who?
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